
Born over 40 years ago from developments in Construction Law, the Saretec Group stands today as one of the leaders in pre- and post-disaster support with more than 300,000 assignments handled per year.


Time saved for employees in email processing


Accuracy in messages and attachments processing

3 months

Successful deadline for deploying InboxCare


Time saved for employees in email processing


Accuracy in messages and attachments processing

3 months

Successful deadline for deploying InboxCare


  • Handle 2 million emails and their attachments annually
  • Speed up the processing of insurance files and free up time for advisors
  • Deploy the solution in less than 3 months with over 80% accuracy
  • Use an AI that adheres to ethical standards and GDPR

"The automatic categorization and sorting of attachments, such as quotes, invoices, minutes, summons, etc., allow us to reduce low-value-added tasks and to enhance our operational efficiency.”

Alain Guede
DSI - Saretec


Given the challenges posed by generative AIs regarding GDPR, Saretec chose to integrate an analytical AI that ensures compliance with regulations while delivering performance that meets their goals. In this context, this alternative to generative AIs ensures reliable analysis of attachments in insurance claim management.

This technology, in particular, avoids false positives and negatives, thereby guaranteeing reliable results (a key criterion for Saretec). It is perfect for managing categories (valuation amount, request typology...), processing emails, and categorizing attachments (of all formats).

This solution reduces the workload of managers by handling 50% of email processing, allowing them to spend less time on straightforward cases and better manage complex ones. relies on an innovative architecture to deploy its solutions, putting energy efficiency and robustness at the forefront: server capacity adjusts in real-time to the load, ensuring that all the components always operate optimally, having enough resources to handle peak loads but requiring very little when traffic is calm.

Thus, OCR,'s artificial intelligence, and connectors are dynamically sized. With weekly meetings between the Saretec and teams, the solution was ready for deployment in less than 3 months with over 87% accuracy, and continues to improve over time.


Press release

Saretec mise sur l'IA analytique pour automatiser le traitement des mails entrants

La société d’expertise en assurances Saretec a opté pour la technologie d’intelligence artificielle analytique de pour automatiser le traitement de plus de 2 millions de mails par an.

Press release

Saretec retient pour améliorer le traitement et le classement automatiques de mails

Société leader d’expertise en assurance, Saretec s’appuie sur une IA respectueuse des normes éthiques et du RGPD pour fluidifier le traitement et le classement automatiques de plus de 160 000 mails par mois.

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