
AssurOne is a French insurtech specializing in the distribution of insurance to end customers, brokers and prestigious partners under a white label.


Emails and attachments analyzed per month


Employees use the solution


Types of attachments processed


Emails and attachments analyzed per month


Collaborateurs qui utilisent la solution


Types of attachments processed


In terms of volume, AssurOne's teams process several hundred thousand emails sent by policyholders and various professionals every year.

With innovation always being at the heart of their strategy, particularly in AI, AssurOne's Operations department wanted to implement a system that would enable them to analyze email flows and thus improve productivity and the quality of claims processing.

The idea of integrating AI quickly became an obvious one to support AssurOne's managers. 

"InboxCare help us to easily find contracts and recognize documents content to save time in response process."

Corinne Le Lann
Director of Operations at AssurOne


After a bespoke configuration of the solution,'s InboxCare was able to demonstrate its performance in analyzing and processing large volumes of emails and attachments (in French and foreign languages, particularly for ID documents). 

Four types of messages are being analyzed (requests for information statements, requests for green cards, miscellaneous requests, emails with attachments). As far as attachments are concerned, eight types are used (vehicle registration documents, special conditions, SEPA mandates, driving license, identity documents, statements of information, bank details, various attachments). 

Thanks to the InboxCare solution, more than 9,000 emails and attachments are processed each month for this first batch. The 40 file managers therefore benefit from real assistance in carrying out their duties and are able to process the files entrusted to them more quickly.

Overall, InboxCare assigns a contract number to each email and generates a draft reply or automatic message for each request. When the second batch is delivered, 40,000 emails and attachments will be involved and 135 managers will be able to benefit from the solution.


Press release

AssurOne focuses on semantic analysis of emails and attachments

The insurer is deploying technology for analysing incoming e-mails and attachments to automate some of the responses to customer queries.

Press release

AssurOne chooses trusted French AI with is confirming its expertise in the insurance sector by helping AssurOne, a wholesale broker and a major player in the mobility and pro sectors, to implement AI in the service of people.

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