Categorizing messages: why AI and not Ctrl+F?


In the constantly evolving artificial intelligence (AI) landscape, stands out for its unique symbolic AI-based approach to categorizing and processing incoming requests for businesses. This technology is revolutionizing the field of business communication, offering linguistic processing solutions of unrivalled accuracy and flexibility. Unlike the simple "Ctrl+F" search function, goes far beyond word-to-word matching, analyzing context and interpreting linguistic nuances to deliver more accurate and relevant results.

The main advantages of symbolic artificial intelligence


One of the greatest challenges of automated language processing is polysemy, a phenomenon where a word can have several meanings. For example, the word "orange" can refer to a color, a fruit, or a mobile operator;'s symbolic AI uses context to determine the correct meaning. In a sentence like "Orange is my favorite color", the symbolic AI will correctly identify that "orange" refers to the color, not the fruit or the operator. This ability to handle polysemy gives symbolic AI a significant advantage in terms of accuracy and relevance of results.

Multilingual messages

With globalization and the proliferation of digital communications, mixing languages in the same message is increasingly common.'s symbolic AI excels at handling these multilingual messages. By exploiting universal linguistic structures, it can reliably and accurately understand a message that begins in English and ends in French, for example. This capability offers great added value in a globalized environment where language mixtures are commonplace within a company. What's more, message rendering is standardized to facilitate processing.

Symbol processing

In some languages, like Chinese, a symbol can represent an entire word. For example, the symbol "爱" means "love" in Chinese.'s symbolic AI is able to understand and correctly interpret these symbols without requiring any training. It relies on rules and on Chomsky's universal linguistics, which establishes that all languages have a grammatically similar construction. This approach enables us to add new languages in just a few weeks, surpassing traditional Machine Learning approaches in symbol processing and speed to production.

The platform

At we position ourselves as a natural language processing (NLP) platform that combines artificial intelligence and explainability to offer a robust, unbiased solution to a variety of NLP projects. Its distinctive advantage is that it requires no training, making it accessible and easy to use for companies of different sizes and needs.

State-of-the-art NLU functionality uses a revolutionary natural language understanding (NLU) approach that boasts several key features:

Explainability: Unlike many other AI solutions, focuses on delivering results that can be explained and understood, which is essential for ensuring the transparency and accountability of decisions made by AI.

Frugality : est conçu pour être efficace en termes de ressources, ce qui signifie qu’il peut fonctionner de manière optimale sans nécessiter une grande quantité de données ou de puissance de calcul, ce qui a réduit significativement l’impact carbone au développement de notre intelligence artificielle.

Multilingualism La plateforme peut traiter et comprendre plusieurs langues, ce qui la rend utile pour les organisations internationales ou multilingues.

Customizable : can be configured to suit the specific needs of an organization or project, offering a flexibility that can be essential for dealing with unique or complex use cases.

Versatile applications's technological core, called the "CORE", offers the flexibility to respond to a range of use cases according to your company needs. In particular, it enables :

Processing documents : It can extract content from documents to save reading time and automate processing, which can be particularly useful for analyzing large volumes of textual data.


Creating network structures : Analysts can use to create network structures to extract knowledge from different sources. This can help identify trends, patterns and valuable insights from complex data.

Analyze messages and attachments can process incoming messages by analyzing the message and its attachments, which can be useful for automatically sorting and categorizing information.

The language comprehension process follows a detailed process for understanding natural language, which includes several steps:

Tokenization : Selection and separation of the text into elementary language units (tokens), which can represent a word, part of a word, special characters, etc. Tokenization is enriched by configuration, which is used to pre-select relevant tokens.

Correction of terms : Terms are corrected for appropriate language and commercial use

Grouping of business terms (Chunking) : Cette étape regroupe les termes métiers pour améliorer la compréhension générale du message​​.

Named Entity Recognition (NER) : assigns an entity type to each term, which can help identify key elements such as places, people, products and so on.

Linking entities : creates links between entities to resolve a textual entity into a unique identifier from a knowledge base, which can help clarify the context and relationships between different parts of the text.

Dependency analysis : This step completes the understanding of the text by adding each term to an ontology, enabling a more detailed analysis of the relationships and structures in the text.

Interaction : This feature links different terms according to an ontology to form a unit of meaning, which can help to understand complex or ambiguous sentences.

Here's an illustration demonstrating the power of Golem.Ai's AI compared to simple text search:

Text extraction from images and documents

As well as processing plain text, can also extract text from text images and documents. This can be useful for processing data that is not initially in text form, such as scanned images or PDFs. This feature uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to transform images and documents into usable text. fields of application is not just a natural language processing platform, it's a versatile tool that can be adapted to a multitude of use cases.

Insurance is an ideal tool for the insurance industry. With its ability to analyze, understand and process textual information, it can automate the processing of claims, quote requests and many other tasks. What's more, thanks to its precise analysis capabilities, it can help detect fraud by identifying anomalies in textual data.

E-commerce and retail

In e-commerce and retail, can be used to improve the customer experience. It can analyze customer comments and reviews to identify trends and areas for improvement. What's more, it can also be used to automate responses to customer queries, saving time and improving efficiency.

Logistics can play a crucial role in logistics, helping to automate the processing of requests and orders. It can analyze and understand customer requests, reducing errors and improving efficiency. What's more, it can also be used to track shipments and deliveries in real time.

Customer relationship can be used to improve customer relations by providing automated but accurate responses to customer queries. It can also be used to analyze customer trends and behaviors, which can help improve products and services.

Defense & security

In the field of defense and security, can be used to analyze and understand sensitive information. It can help detect potential threats and risks by analyzing textual data.


Symbolic AI, as implemented by, is much more than a simple text search. It represents a significant advance in the understanding of natural language, capable of handling polysemy, interpreting symbols, and processing multilingual messages. It is versatile, robust and ethical, and can be applied to a wide range of fields including insurance, e-commerce, logistics and defense.

Far from being a simple "Control+F", offers precise contextual understanding and efficient processing of incoming requests for businesses. The future of AI is already here with, making operations more efficient and enabling new possibilities to be explored.

Stay tuned for more information on the evolution of symbolic AI and its impact on various sectors. With, we're shaping the future of natural language understanding.